28 March 2011

we found a treasure in that town

This past weekend at the Treasure Town Art Show Brian exhibited his first experiments in TTV photography. He also shot photo-booth style portraits of event go-ers throughout the night, giving me ample time to look at his butt. There was apparently quite a bit of art on display, but I was more-or-less exclusively invested in Brian's butt photography. 

To view more photos from the event, visit the following website: http://www.brianjarreauphotogr
aphy.com/treasuretown_3.26.11 [Image courtesy of Brian Jarreau.]

24 March 2011

when she looks at you, you can tell she's working things out

Thought today to share some works by one of my old college professors, Krista Hoefle. I always enjoyed her prints as (besides providing manifold visual stimulation) they seem to speak from an abyssopelagic depth. These are from a series created during her residency at Anchor Graphics in 2010. Screenprints on cyanotypes and collage. 

Prints by Krista Hoefle.  View more at: www.kristahoefle.com

pouring bits of light streaming...

My Clem is showing his first experiments in TTV at Treasure Town this Saturday night, March 26, 2011. He’s bringing his TTV rig as well to shoot the art show and will feature some of these in an upcoming work. Please come visit us at 9PM and check out the art! Treasure Town is located at 2106 S. Kedzie in Chicago a few steps from the Pink Line (Cermak stop). You can view his blog here: http://brianjarreauphotography.blogspot.com

Photos courtesy Brian Jarreau.

23 March 2011

adorno and abstracts in oil minor

"Every single element in the web of delusion is nevertheless of relevance to the possible demise of that web of delusion. The good is what struggles free, finds a language and opens its eyes. As something that struggles free, goodness is part of the texture of history which, without being unambiguously set on reconciliation, in the course of its movement illuminates the possibility of reconciliation in a momentary flash."

Adorno, Theodor W, History and Freedom: Lectures 1964-1965, Polity Press, 2006.

Paintings by Gerhard Richter.